Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Life's a beach with dream Australian island job

Australia's Tourism Queensland is getting a lot of attention saying they have the best job in the world. All you have to do is explore the island to see whats there and then inform others weekly of what you find, clean the pool, feed fish, and collect mail. Very little to do, and with it you're getting a free house and a salary of about $100,000. Australia has always been my favorite place in the world. I can't imagine how fun it would be to live by the Great Barrier Reef and get paid a very nice pay check. A 60 second video of why you should get the job and it could be yours. Sounds like a pretty awesome job to me!

Written by Glen Scanlon

Jonas Brothers to Perform at Inauguration Festivities

As everyone knows, the inauguration is next week. Barack Obama will be sworn in as president along with many celebrities performing at the inauguration. Obamas daughters, Shasha and Malia, fellow Jonas Brothers fans will get to see them in concert along with many other stars including Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, Rihanna, Bow-wow and more. The Jonas Brothers have been taking over already performing almost everywhere, being on the cover of Rolling Stone, and in the works of a World tour, what better way to start off the new year other than headlining Kids' Inaugural: We Are the Future concert?

Written by Michelle Tan

Blistering cold temperatures hit Midwest

The past couple days temperatures dropped extremely in the Midwest especially Minnesota. Today the temperature dropped to about -50 degrees breaking many records in many years. One man has died from sleepwalking and ending up outside a short 190 feet from his house the next morning. Many people are also suffering frostbite from being outside for not even 20 minutes. All over the Midwest this week temperatures are dropping way below zero and aren't forecasted to be heating up soon. I think how cold temperatures are getting recently is insane. Walking from the parking lot into school i'm already freezing and that's only a couple hundred feet.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

6-year-old crashes family car after missing bus

A six year old boy in Wicomico Church, Virginia missed his bus to school and decided to take his families car, but crashed. Virginia police are saying that he only suffered minor injuries and nothing major. Once he was looked at and check up at a local hospital he was driven to school. "It happened around 7:40 a.m. Monday on Route 360, about 61 miles east of Richmond." Police are saying that the kid missed his bus so he took the keys to his families car and started to drive to school while his mom was sleeping. He got about 10 miles away from his home until he hit a utility pole only a half a mile away from his school. Police are also saying he had swereved off the road mulitple times before hand and was not wear a seatbelt.


Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Obamas Move to Washington

On Saturday, January 3rd Future first lady and daughters flew out to Washington DC the day before Obama. The reason they flew out the day before was so that daughters Malia and Sasha could have a smooth transition into their new school. According to The Washington Post they will be attending Sidwell Friends School at the beginning of the new semester. They will be in school with future vice presidents grandchildren. Until the inauguration they will all be staying at Washington's Hay-Adams Hotel.

Article written by Bethany Lye

John Travolta 'Heartbroken' Over Son's Death

Recently John Travoltas 16 year old son died and a source close to the family says ""He never dreamed of this – their relationship was so close,” says family attorney Mike Ossi, who is in the Bahamas with the actor. "He always said 'I'm happy as long as my kids are happy.' He is heartbroken … To bury your son is the worst thing you can ever do."" It has been said that his son, Jett has had a history with having seizures, and the police have said that he had hit his head on the bathtub earlier that morning and was later pronounced dead. John and Jett had a very close relationship and close family and friends are saying he is taking this very hard and he tried everything to keep his son alive. John is heartbroken and his life will never be the same.

Article written by Liz McNeil