Thursday, September 11, 2008

Adjective Paragraph

Optimistic: disposed to take a favorable view of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome. I am very optimistic. Being optimistic could be considered a good or a bad trait. I always expect the best things to happen for events. Being optimistic is a good trait because I'm usually never negative about things that are going to happen. I always hope and expect the best! At the same time, being optimistic is a bad trait because at times I'll expect the greatest things to happen but they won't turn out how I hoped for and then I'll be disappointed. For example, when I was getting up early to go to the target center to purchase tickets for the Jonas Brothers concert, I kept saying how I was going to get front row because of the wristband lottery system they were using. My mom kept telling me not to get my hopes up. But since I'm so optimistic I expected the best outcome. And in the end I did end up getting front row tickets and it was the time of my life. But I have also had many times where I will be disappointed because things don't turn out how I hoped for them to. I love that I am always optimistic. I like looking on the bright side of all situations.


molly b said...

wow that was a good adjective! optimism is a really good trait to have! and how did you get that music plyer on your blog? im jealous want to teach me?

KJERSTEN said...

i like your songs

Anonymous said...

Good paragraph!! Optimism is a very valuable trait to possess... it will help you excel in life.

PS: Nintendo IS awesome!

ALLIE said...

I WAS WITH YOU FRONT ROW AT THE CONCERT WOO HOO! ha. i like your blog. thanks for helpin me get my songs on there!